Openemu Mac The Emulator Could Not Load Rom Mame

  суббота 22 февраля

MAME 'emulator couldn't load rOM' when it could before. (self.OpenEmu) submitted 1 year ago by NeblitzArcade. I've had recent success with loading up and playing a couple MAME roms, specifically Marvel Vs Capcom and Metal Slug X and have played them a few times.

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Messinfo.dat v0.219 (11.40)
Lundi 09/03/20 à 13:38 par Firebrand
Ce fichier informatif pour MAME contient désormais les données relatives à la v0.219:
- 11.40 08/03/2020: Aligned files to 0.219 version.
Télécharger Messinfo.dat v0.219 (11.40)
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GameEx et GameEx Arcade Edition v16.28
Dimanche 08/03/20 à 13:47 par Firebrand
Ces frontends ont été mis à jour. Pas d'information sur les changements.
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higan v108, bsnes v115, et byuu v2
Mardi 03/03/20 à 13:48 par Firebrand
Near (anciennement byuu) a mis à jour l'ensemble de ses émulateurs avant de ralentir le rythme de développement: il ne devrait plus avoir de sortie majeure avant un certain temps. Voici les nouveautés:
higan v108:
- brings various user-interface refinements and emulation accuracy improvements.
bsnes v115:
- brings bugfixes for several titles and run-ahead improvements.
- v2: brings massive performance improvements, run-ahead and rewind support, and Famicom Disk System + Mega CD emulation.
- v1.4: adds rewind support to all cores, and run-ahead support to all but the GBA and MSX cores.
Télécharger higan v108 (64-bit) (Windows)
Télécharger higan v108 (MacOS)
Télécharger higan v108 (Linux)
Télécharger bsnes v115 (Windows)
Télécharger bsnes v115 (MacOS)
Télécharger bsnes v115 (Linux)
Télécharger byuu v2 (Windows)
Site Officiel de Near
NegaMAME v0.219-1
Samedi 29/02/20 à 15:00 par Firebrand
Ce build de MAME à utiliser avec Negatron, principalement pour l'aspect MESS, a été mis à jour les sources de la v0.219.
Télécharger NegaMAME v0.219-1 (Windows)
Télécharger NegaMAME v0.219-1 (MacOS)
Télécharger NegaMAME v0.219-1 (Linux)
Site Officiel de NegaMAME
MESS et MESSUI v0.219
Jeudi 27/02/20 à 13:57 par Firebrand
Après avoir sauté la v0.218, MESS et MESSUI sont de retour sans changements internes spécifiques.
Télécharger MESS v0.219 (64-bit)
Télécharger MESSUI v0.219 (64-bit)
Site Officiel de MESS
byuu v1.1
Mercredi 26/02/20 à 14:27 par Firebrand
Cet émulateur multi-systèmes a eu 3 mises à jour consécutives dans une même journée passant d'une version beta à une version stable. Voici les notes de publication:
Update: I posted v1.1 to address some rendering issues affecting key Super Nintendo games. Apologies, it will be a touch rocky at the start while I iron out all the kinks in the new renderers. Things should stabilize in the coming months as they did with the bsnes relaunch. Thank you!
I'm excited to release the first official version of my magnum opus software project, byuu version 1.0!
byuu is a multi-system emulator that aims to combine the accuracy of higan with the simplicity and performance of bsnes. Essentially, what bsnes did for higan's SNES emulation, I want byuu to do for all 25 of higan's emulated systems.
byuu currently emulates the Nintendo, Super Nintendo, SG-1000, Master System + Game Gear, Sega Genesis, TurboGrafx-16 + SuperGrafx, MSX + MSX2, Game Boy + Color, Game Boy Advance, WonderSwan + Color, Pocket Challenge V2, and Neo Geo Pocket + Color.
I poured my soul into this, and even for a first release, there has been substantial development. As compared to higan v107, byuu v1 features a brand-new, easy-to-use user interface in the general style of bsnes, that loads traditional game ROM images directly, supports native file dialogs, more than doubles the performance of Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis emulation, quadruples the performance of TurboGrafx-16 emulation, and provides a 20% boost to Game Boy Advance emulation. A Ryzen 5 2600 CPU should be able to run any supported system at 150fps or more. As with my other emulators, features like adaptive sync and dynamic rate control come standard.
Future plans for byuu v2+ are ambitious: I hope to add support for rewind, run-ahead, a save state manager, a cheat code editor, frame advance, screenshot capture, and much more. Possibly even a hybrid desktop + couch-mode user interface! I also want to expose my Famicom Disk System, Sega CD, and future PC Engine CD emulation to byuu. Furthermore, I hope to expand byuu beyond my own collection of emulators: specifically, I would like to offer Nintendo DS, Nintendo N64, Sony PlayStation, and Sega Saturn emulation in future releases by relying on other leading emulation projects; although I may need help in achieving those goals.
And now a heartfelt plea: I'm putting everything I have into this project, and my future in the emulation scene depends upon this project's success. Essentially, I'm getting older, and I have too many emulation cores to maintain as just one person. bsnes brought a revival to higan's SNES emulation, and I am hoping that byuu can do the same for higan's other cores.
I am looking for other developers to join on as equal contributors to this project. If this proves highly successful, I'll stick around to guide the project forward. But if not, then I will be looking for a new lead to take over the project. In that case, I would continue to periodically submit patches, time permitting, but would hope for someone else to guide byuu, higan, and bsnes forward. If neither of these two things happen by the end of this year, then my current intention is to regrettably step down from the projects, although I haven't decided on an exact date of when yet. Effectively, I've gone about as far as I could as a sole developer.
Essentially, I am hoping for this project to be what I'm remembered by after I'm gone one day, and so I want it to be as much of a success as possible. I also want these emulation cores to live on beyond me, and not just be tied to me as a person. Already bsnes and higan benefited massively thanks to 15+ years of contributions from well over a hundred volunteers. These emulators are so much more than just me. I hope to accelerate that trend, so that one day I can pass on the torch.
I hate to ask this, but anything you all can do to help promote this project would be greatly appreciated! Getting the word out about it, creating user guides and video tutorials, writing an article about it, posting about it on a forum, adding it to an existing emulation website, .. anything would help. I am hoping that in naming the project eponymously, that I can short-step some of the time-consuming struggle of establishing a new emulator project, but word of mouth is still vital for people to know that this project exists.
Thank you all so much! I hope you'll enjoy this new software as much as I've enjoyed making it.
The v1 development phase is basically completed. I'm posting a final beta to catch any last-minute critical issues. Please give it a small test run and report any serious issues that would harm the reputation if they shipped in a v1 release. Thank you!
No need to post news about this elsewhere, if all goes well, v1 will be released very soon.
The big news in this WIP is that I've spent time greatly increasing performance of the most demanding cores in byuu:
- Super Nintendo: 100fps -> 200fps
- Sega Genesis: 85fps -> 210fps
- PC Engine: 68fps -> 240fps
- Game Boy Advance: 123fps -> 154fps
Every system should run at 150+ fps on a $100 desktop CPU now, although of course your mileage may vary.
There are other niceties such as a native file open dialog, auto-saving of memory, support for save games in the Neo Geo Pocket core, a fix for PAL region detection in the Super Nintendo core, and more.
Télécharger byuu v1.1
Site Officiel de byuu
GameEx et GameEx Arcade Edition v16.26
Lundi 17/02/20 à 15:15 par Firebrand
De nouvelles versions de ces frontends multi-systèmes ont été publiés, mais aucune information sur les modifications n'a été donnée (comme d'habitude..).
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Télécharger GameEx Arcade Edition v16.26
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byuu v0.10 (beta)
Lundi 17/02/20 à 15:12 par Firebrand
Cet émulateur multi-systèmes a été mis à jour. Voici la liste des nouveautés:
- update driver settings when changing audio and input drivers
- correct sound output when not outputting at 48KHz
- correct sound output when changing frequency after game is loaded
- show program icon when game is not loaded
- move from native status bar to higan/bsnes-style status bar
- fix a bug with WonderSwan internal EEPROM data
- fix hotkey polling in fullscreen mode
- added joypad support
- fixed initial bindings for gamepad axes and hats
- allow multi-selection clear on input mappings
- added path searching to higan::Node::find()
- added higan::Node::scan() to locate relative tree nodes
- exposed settings for color bleed/emulation, interframe blending, overscan
- default to Path::desktop() instead of Path::user() for loading games
Known issues with v0.10:
- region detection is not working (PAL games are running at NTSC speeds)
Télécharger byuu v0.10 (beta)
Site Officiel de byuu
byuu v0.8 (beta)
Mercredi 12/02/20 à 15:18 par Firebrand
byuu est un nouvel émulateur multi-système de Near (anciennement byuu) qui se veut être un compromis entre l'exigence de précision de higan et la facilité d'utilisation de bsnes. La vision de higan est d'être absolument exhaustif dans la précision d'émulation en prenant en compte les cas les plus rares, byuu est moins intransigeant et couvre 99% des besoins de précision au prix de la perte de quelques fonctionnalités.
I'm releasing the first official beta for the new byuu emulator today.
This is a new multi-system emulator, which shares emulation cores with higan.
Like higan, byuu is focused on accuracy foremost. Unlike higan, byuu aims to be much more user friendly. Think of byuu as easy mode, and higan as advanced mode, but they are fundamentally the same emulator under the hood. One is not a superset of the other; they are sibling projects.
The goal of byuu is to carry forward the breakout success of bsnes for all of higan's emulation cores, and not just for the SNES alone. bsnes, by being much easier to use, led to a resurgence in support that resulted in several new features, speed optimizations, bug reports, and emulator accuracy improvements. I hope to rekindle the same interest in all 25 of my supported emulation cores with this new emulator.
And frankly, higan's future depends on this project being a success. I am aiming to retire around the end of this year (though it's not set in stone), and I am looking for a new lead developer willing to take over,, and its emulation projects. I would still contribute to the projects on GitHub for as long as I were able to.
I am changing my personal name to Near, and calling my new emulator byuu, for many reasons. You can read the complete rationale here: But essentially, these emulators are not only mine: they are the work of dozens of volunteers spanning 15+ years of development. It is perhaps too late, but I wish to separate my personal identity from these projects. I want these emulators to become group projects with multiple developers, and I want them to outlast me if at all possible. With 15+ years and 230,000+ backlinks to, I could not see a way to move these emulators to a new domain. And based on it taking 2+ years for higan to become even partially known to the general public, I did not see a viable method of establishing this new emulator in less than a year without using an established name, and the only such name I have at my disposal is byuu. Ideally, I would have kept my emulators on a separate website from day one, but I cannot change the past to correct for this mistake. I mulled over this decision for the past few weeks, and this is the best choice I could come up with. I hope you'll understand. I will also understand if folks continue to call me personally by byuu. I understand it's not easy to change names after 22+ years, and that this will invariably cause some level of confusion. But it can't be helped.
The byuu_san Twitter account, as well as most social media accounts using the name byuu, will be used only for official software development news and updates going forward. Some accounts will be harder than others to migrate, and will take more time and planning.
I have spun off my personal Twitter account to near_nyan, and my personal website to for the time being, until I can find a better domain for it. Over the coming months, I will be migrating personal content from and elsewhere over to my personal website.
I make no secret of the mistakes I've made in the past as byuu (nor will the internet ever let us forget them), and that I'll likely continue to make more mistakes as Near. But for the past two years, I have been doing my best to change and improve myself. I am who I am however, and though I am to be more friendly and cooperative, I won't hide my identity nor unwavering support for my friends. But game preservation transcends politics and ideologies, and I've now separated my work from my personality, so at this point, it is up to you if you want to follow me as Near or not. It's no longer directly tied to byuu.
In any case, byuu is still brand-new, and it is missing several major features including gamepad support, multi-player support, cheat codes, and more. These features will be added in due-time. Sans enhancements like HD mode 7, I am for feature-parity with bsnes, including run-ahead support and much more. The speed is rather limited as well, but I hope to implement scanline renderers and roughly double the performance of each emulator core in the coming year. I am releasing this now for feedback and to try to gauge interest in this new idea of mine.
I hope it will be a success! Thank you everyone!
Planned roadmap:
v1: support for gamepad mapping and the save state manager
v2: support for other controller types (mice, light guns) and multiple-players
v3: support for Famicom Disk System, Super Game Boy, and Sega CD emulation
v?: support for per-system input mapping, cheat codes, movie recording, and run-ahead functionality
v?+X: optional scanline renderers for each core to boost performance substantially
v?+Y: additional emulation cores from outside of higan (PS1, Saturn, N64 would be most promising!)
Télécharger byuu v0.8 (beta)
Site Officiel de byuu
Messinfo.dat v0.218 (11.39)
Dimanche 09/02/20 à 13:53 par Firebrand
Ce fichier informatif pour MAME est généralement le dernier mis à jour par AntoPISA pour la version en cours.
- 11.39 08/02/2020: Aligned files to 0.218 version.
Télécharger Messinfo.dat v0.218 (11.39)
Site Officiel de Messinfo.dat
GameEx Arcade Edition v16.22
Jeudi 06/02/20 à 14:09 par Firebrand
Ce frontend est maintenant au même niveau que son grand frère, GameEx. Pas plus de précisions à apporter.
Télécharger GameEx Arcade Edition v16.22
Site Officiel de GameEx Arcade Edition
GameEx v16.22 et GameEx Arcade Edition v16.21
Mardi 04/02/20 à 14:37 par Firebrand
Encore de nombreuses nouvelles versions pour ces frontends qui, c'est rare, ne sont pas alignés sur le même numéro de version. Ce qui l'est moins, c'est l'absence d'information sur les nouveautés..
Télécharger GameEx v16.22
Télécharger GameEx Arcade Edition v16.21
Site Officiel de GameEx
NegaMAME v0.218-1
Lundi 03/02/20 à 13:41 par Firebrand
Ce build de MAME a été mis à jour avec les sources de la v0.218.
Télécharger NegaMAME v0.218-1 (Windows)
Télécharger NegaMAME v0.218-1 (MacOS)
Télécharger NegaMAME v0.218-1 (Linux)
Site Officiel de NegaMAME
GameEx et GameEx Arcade Edition v16.17
Dimanche 02/02/20 à 16:20 par Firebrand
De nombreuses nouvelles versions de ces frontends en ce moment mais toujours aussi peu d'informations sur les changements apportés..
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Télécharger GameEx Arcade Edition v16.17
Site Officiel de GameEx
OpenEmu v2.2.1
Dimanche 26/01/20 à 14:02 par Firebrand
Cet ensemble de noyaux d'émulateurs réunis sous une même interface pour MacOS a été mis à jour. Les améliorations sont les suivantes:
- Added BSNES, an accurate SNES emulator with 'Display Mode' screen options for HD mode 7 graphics, as the new secondary SNES core plugin. Higan core plugin is now deprecated and will be removed in 6 months.
- Added support for GameCube hybrid analog/digital triggers. — Requires gamepad with true analog triggers, such as the PS4 DualShock 4 or Xbox One S.
- Added automap support for Xbox One S Wireless Controller.
- Added automap support for Retro-Bit Official Sega Genesis/Sega Saturn Bluetooth Controller 8-Button Arcade Pad.
- Added missing GameCube system icon and controller Retina graphics.
- Fixed analog-related input regression introduced in OpenEmu 2.2 where one may be unable to map certain controls or directions may get stuck or not respond in-game.
- Fixed PS4 DualShock 4 delayed inputs and high CPU usage on macOS 10.15 Catalina. — This work arounds a performance issue in IOHIDElementGetParent.
- Fixed column width when resizing and row highlight system color in List View.
- Fixed rare crash at startup when dealing with unsupported plugins.
- Updated localizations.
- Other bug fixes and performance improvements.
Télécharger OpenEmu v2.2.1 (stable)
Télécharger OpenEmu v2.2.1 (experimental)
Site Officiel de OpenEmu
RomVault v3.0.49
Samedi 25/01/20 à 14:53 par Firebrand
Une nouvelle version de ce gestionnaire de ROMs a été publiée. Les améliorations sont les suivantes:
- RomVault 3.0.49, bug fix Release. Biggest change is 7z extract caching is now always on, and a cache bug was fixed in that code.
- Fixed a reporting directory name bug, in unzipped files with directories in the filename. (was just a UI thing.)
- Fix DAT's now do not add a description if there was no description in the original DAT.
- And you can now make a Fix DAT from any level in the tree by right clicking on the Tree.
Télécharger RomVault v3.0.49
Site Officiel de RomVault
GameEx et GameEx Arcade Edition v16.13
Samedi 25/01/20 à 14:52 par Firebrand
Ces 2 frontends multi-systèmes ont une nouvelle fois été mis à jour sans qu'on sache ce qui a été modifié. Probablement des corrections de bugs.
Télécharger GameEx v16.13
Télécharger GameEx Arcade Edition v16.13
Site Officiel de GameEx
RetroArch v1.8.4
Vendredi 17/01/20 à 14:18 par Firebrand
Une nouvelle version de RetroArch a été publiée. Comme d'habitude, je vous invite à lire l'article richement illustré sur le site officiel pour en avoir tous les détails. En attendant, voici les changements généraux:
- ANDROID/BUGFIX: Prevent crash when Android device is minimized and you go back to the app
- CAMERA/BUGFIX: Fix crash when a core requires the camera driver and the platform only has a null driver. This would crash mgba on Wii for example
- DISK CONTROL: Cycle Disk Tray now becomes Eject Disk or Insert Disk depending upon current drive state
- DISK CONTROL: Current Disk Index is only shown when the current disk has been ejected
- DISK CONTROL: The old Insert Disk entry has been changed to Load New Disk, and is only shown when a disk is currently inserted (this is because loading a new disk from the filesystem – i.e. bypassing the m3u playlist disk index interface – automatically ejects and inserts disks, and so cannot be done while the virtual drive is empty)
- DISK CONTROL: The Current Disk Index may now be set more easily via a drop-down list
- DISK CONTROL: Selecting Eject Disk automatically moves the menu selection to the Current Disk Index entry
- DISK CONTROL: Selecting an index via the Current Disk Index drop-down list automatically moves the menu selection back to Insert Disk
- DISK CONTROL: The Disk Control entry sublabels have been changed for greater clarity
- DISK CONTROL: All of the horrendous notification spam has been removed. Notifications are now only shown in the event of an error, or when the menu itself does not provide sufficient visual feedback (note that using hotkeys to swap disks still produces the old style notifications, since this is typically only done while content is running – i.e. no menu). The duration of disk-related info notifications has also been reduced to a more sane level
- DISK CONTROL: A new Resume content after changing disks option has been added under Settings > User Interface. When enabled (default setting), content is resumed automatically after selecting either Insert Disk or Load New Disk (when disabled, the menu remains open, obviously…)
- DISK CONTROL/BUGFIX: The Disk Control menu now has the correct title
- DISK CONTROL/BUGFIX: Selecting a disk via the Load New Disk file browser no longer flushes the user back to the top level menu (it now correctly returns to the Disk Control menu)
- LIBNX/SWITCH: Updated libnx integration to v3.0.0. This also cherry-picks libnx commit 583d6bb92dcbb33b6bb4a0fa1a9df6e3725d6ef6, which should fix the requirement having to turn rumble off and on in the system settings once per reboot
- PLAYLISTS: Add ‘Clean Playlist’ option
Télécharger RetroArch v1.8.4 (32-bit) (Windows)
Télécharger RetroArch v1.8.4 (64-bit) (Windows)
Télécharger RetroArch v1.8.4 (Windows XP/Vista 64-bit (Windows)
Télécharger RetroArch v1.8.4 (Windows XP/Vista 32-bit (Windows)
Télécharger RetroArch v1.8.4 (64-bit) (MacOS)
Télécharger RetroArch v1.8.4 (Metal2) (MacOS)
Télécharger RetroArch v1.8.4 (Nintendo GC)
Télécharger RetroArch v1.8.4 (Nintendo Wii)
Télécharger RetroArch v1.8.4 (Nintendo WiiU)
Télécharger RetroArch v1.8.4 (.3dsx) (Nintendo 3DS)
Télécharger RetroArch v1.8.4 (.cia) (Nintendo 3DS)
Télécharger RetroArch v1.8.4 (Nintendo Switch)
Télécharger RetroArch v1.8.4 (PlayStation 2)
Télécharger RetroArch v1.8.4 (PSP)
Télécharger RetroArch v1.8.4 (PS Vita)
Télécharger RetroArch v1.8.4 (CEX) (PlayStation 3)
Télécharger RetroArch v1.8.4 (Xbox One)
Site Officiel de RetroArch
GameEx et GameEx Arcade Edition v16.11
Mercredi 15/01/20 à 14:25 par Firebrand
Ces 2 frontends multi-systèmes ont été mis à jour. Aucune information n'a été donnée sur les changements.
Télécharger GameEx v16.11
Télécharger GameEx Arcade Edition v16.11
Site Officiel de GameEx
RetroArch v1.8.3
Samedi 11/01/20 à 14:41 par Firebrand
Une nouvelle version de cet ensemble de noyaux d'émulateurs réunis sous une même interface a été publiée. Plusieurs builds manquent encore à l'appel comme les versions Windows. Comme d'habitude, nous nous limitons aux changements généraux, vous avez un article très détaillé sur les nouveautés sur le site officiel.
Edit: les versions Windows et PS3 sont maintenant disponibles.
- ANDROID/BUGFIX: Fix ‘Install or Restore Core’ regression
- BUGFIX: Ensure core info is always initialised when calling ‘drivers_init()’. This bug could prevent cores from doing content runtime logging
- BUGFIX/MENU: History size can only be set to 1 at a minimum
- BUGFIX/MENU: (XMB/OZONE) Fix ‘quick menu’ detection. XMB would not display savestate thumbnails in the quick menu if it was accessed via the main menu
- BUGFIX/CRASH/CORE UPDATER: Fix potential double free error
- BUGFIX/CRASH/OPENGL/WINDOWS: Fix regression in 1.8.2 that would cause GL-based cores to fail because it would try to erroneously load libGLESv2.dll instead of OpenGL32.dll (cores affected: VitaQuake 2/3/Dhewm3, possibly more)
- BUGFIX/MENU/DESKTOP UI: Show desktop menu on startup does not launch Qt UI on Linux
- CHEEVOS: Don’t disable achievement when AddAddress generates an out-of-range address
- CHEEVOS: Don’t reset triggers/leaderboards that failed to load
- CHEEVOS: Don’t count unsupported achievements as unlocked
- CORE UPDATER: Display number of cores updated when updating installed cores
- DINGUX: Initial port
- D3D11: Block FL9_3 devices from D3D11 driver because they don’t work anyway (current D3D11 driver uses SM4.0 which requires FL10_0 and up)
- D3D11: Fallback to GL driver when D3D11 fails
- EMSCRIPTEN: Fix assets
- HISTORY/FAVORITES: Bump up default to 200 entries from 100
- FFMPEG CORE: Implement packet buffer, fixes MP4 video playback for many files
- LOCALIZATION: Update Italian translation
- LOCALIZATION: Update Polish translation
- LOCALIZATION: Update Russian translation
- LOCALIZATION: Update Spanish translation
- MENU: Added ‘Hosting’ menu under Netplay menu
- MENU: Added ‘Subsystems’ menu
- MENU/FILEBROWSER: Fix file selection issues when starting from (or navigating to) the top level directory
- MENU/WIDGETS: Prevent looping of task title text
- RASPBERRY PI: Fix BGRA8888 color inversion issues in the menu and elsewhere with VideoCore GL drivers
- NETPLAY/RELAY: Add Sao Paulo (Brazil) relay server
- NETPLAY/RELAY: Fix the “spectator” bug when using the relay server – When a player switches into the spectator mode (pressing “i”) while using the relay server, all players will disconnect.
- NETPLAY/RELAY: Overall stability has improved. Fixed a memory leak that would cause the relay server to become unresponsive after some time
- NETPLAY/RELAY: Fixed critical bug that would cause all players to be disconnected from the relay server if one player was leaving the game. That bug had been open for one year and we were finally able to fix it
- SWITCH/LIBNX/BUGFIX: Fix onscreen keyboard input regression
- UWP: Add ANGLE support
- UWP: Wire up get_metrics to the fake context of D3D9/10/11/12 driver, enabling proper scaling and mouse/touch gestures
- VITA: Re-add Online Updater
- VULKAN: Fix font driver ‘vulkan_get_message_width()’ function
- VIDEO FILTERS: Only use threads when the number exceeds 1. Fixes race conditions with some CPU filters on Vita
- WINDOWS: Add ANGLE support for x64, separate binary (for now?)
Télécharger RetroArch v1.8.3 (32-bit) (Windows)
Télécharger RetroArch v1.8.3 (64-bit) (Windows)
Télécharger RetroArch v1.8.3 (Windows XP 32-bit) (Windows)
Télécharger RetroArch v1.8.3 (Windows XP 64-bit) (Windows)
Télécharger RetroArch v1.8.3 (64-bit) (MacOS)
Télécharger RetroArch v1.8.3 (Metal2) (MacOS)
Télécharger RetroArch v1.8.3 (Nintendo GC)
Télécharger RetroArch v1.8.3 (Nintendo Wii)
Télécharger RetroArch v1.8.3 (Nintendo WiiU)
Télécharger RetroArch v1.8.3 (.3dsx) (Nintendo 3DS)
Télécharger RetroArch v1.8.3 (.cia) (Nintendo 3DS)
Télécharger RetroArch v1.8.3 (Nintendo Switch)
Télécharger RetroArch v1.8.3 (PlayStation 2)
Télécharger RetroArch v1.8.3 (PSP)
Télécharger RetroArch v1.8.3 (PS Vita)
Télécharger RetroArch v1.8.3 (CEX) (PlayStation 3)
Télécharger RetroArch v1.8.3 (Xbox One)
Site Officiel de RetroArch

Game console emulators have typically concerned themselves with either speed and compatibility, or accuracy. Regardless of what they prioritize, user interfaces are not their strong suit, and most of them haven’t evolved beyond a basic settings panel and a file picker that wouldn’t look out of place in Windows 95. That doesn’t mean there aren’t exceptions, particularly for Mac users: last year we took a look at Boxer, which combines classic MS-DOS game emulation with a spiffy and easy-to-use UI. This year, gamers got an early Christmas present in the form of the long-awaited 1.0 release of OpenEmu.

OpenEmu won’t be new to emulation enthusiasts—the OS X-only software has been in development for several years, and gamers have been welcome to download and compile its work-in-progress source code for quite some time. This week’s release marks the first time that a ready-for-prime-time binary version has been available for download, so we’re taking it for a spin using some homebrew games (available free of cost from the OpenEmu site) and a few game backups, which you can grab from your own cartridges with a gadget like the Retrode.

Meet OpenEmu

OpenEmu is a game console emulator, but it's perhaps more accurately described as a frontend for a whole bunch of different emulators. When you install and run the application, you'll also need to download the 'cores' of a number of different open-source emulation projects in order to actually play games.

My recent purchase of the 6TB G-Tech Thunderbolt G-Drive appears to be no exception. G drive for mac.

The 1.0 release of OpenEmu offers up 13 cores that support a total of 12 systems (there are several duplicates, which should ensure that emulation enthusiasts can get a good experience no matter what they're currently using). The following systems are supported out of the box as of this release and are almost universally Nintendo or Sega systems (with a couple of exceptions): NES, SNES, Game Boy, Game Boy Advance, Nintendo DS, Virtual Boy, Sega Master System, Sega Genesis, Sega Game Gear, Sega's 32X, the TurboGrafx-16, and the NeoGeo Pocket Color.

OpenEmu's modular nature means that more cores can easily be added as development continues—the project's wishlist indicates that support for several of Atari's consoles, MAME, and newer consoles like the Nintendo 64 and original PlayStation are all on the docket. The tendency of emulation projects to be free and open source works in OpenEmu's favor here. If your favorite classic console isn't supported yet, chances are it will be eventually, as long as there's a mature, open-source OS X emulator around already.

Setup and UI

OpenEmu requires OS X 10.7 or higher, which means it should run on any Intel Mac but the very earliest 32-bit models. As newer emulators are added, you may need to worry a little more about your CPU and GPU specs, but the age of the currently supported consoles means that you won't need to sweat the system requirements most of the time.

After going through the brief first-time setup process and downloading the cores you want, the first thing you'll want to do is get some games installed. The wizard will offer to scan your system for ROMs, but we'll be adding some manually just to see how it works.

OpenEmu is pretty iTunes-like in operation—just drag your ROM files to the window and drop them, and, with the default settings enabled, the app will create copies of them in your game library folder (at ~/Library/Application Support/OpenEmu/Game Library/roms by default), organize them by system, and automatically download box art for the game (if OpenEmu can't find your box art, you can add your own manually later if you'd like). Most of these defaults can be changed if, for example, you've already got your games organized the way you like them or if you don't care about box art.

By default, your games will be organized by system, but new 'playlists' of ROMs can be added under the Collections section that can combine games from different systems.

After pulling some games in and organizing them to your liking, you'll want to configure a gamepad (the emulators will all work with a keyboard, but console games are all best suited to console controllers). Any USB/bluetooth gamepad should work with OpenEmu once you've mapped the buttons, including controllers for modern consoles like the Wii U, Xbox 360, PS3, and PS4. OpenEmu includes a built-in 'Add a Wiimote' function that makes pairing a Wii Remote to your Mac just as easy as pairing it to your Wii. We'll be using a Wii Remote with the Classic Controller Pro attached.

OpenEmu's controller configuration interface is both snazzy-looking and functional, and it gives you a nice, high-resolution visual representation of the controller you're configuring. As you map your buttons, OpenEmu highlights each button on the controller to make it easier to match your button configuration to the one on the original controller. The wood texture (and OpenEmu's liberal use of glassy, reflective effects) is a little cheesy, though to be fair to the developers, these sorts of things matched most other OS X and iOS apps up until the Great Skeumorphic Purge of 2013.

You've got your cores. You've imported your ROMs. You've configured a controller or two. Let's actually sit down and play some games now.

Playing the games

Modern emulators come with all kinds of display and audio options, but OpenEmu cuts this down to just a few display filters for simplicity's sake. The default presents the game's original graphics pretty much unaltered, and the rest of the filters are designed to either smooth over pixelated graphics' rough edges or give the clean and clear graphics some of the rough visual artifacts they would have had on an older CRT TV or monitor.

Once you open a game up, the filters can be adjusted on-the-fly using the small overlay that appears when you move your mouse. You can save and load states, pause and reset emulation, adjust your volume, and kick your game into full-screen mode from this overlay as well (OpenEmu uses OS X's native Full Screen Mode, a feature first introduced in 10.7). One universal setting for your graphics filter is mostly a good thing, but it would be nice to be able to set the default filter on a per-console basis—if you like smoother graphics for SNES and Genesis games but blockier, more pixelated graphics for NES and Game Boy games, for example.

OpenEmu's actual game emulation is fairly unremarkable. The SNES, Genesis, and homebrew games we tried all looked and played as they should, complete with the odd graphical artifacts and sprite flickering they would have on the original consoles. Things ran smoothly on my 2012 iMac, though some older Macs may suffer from some slowdown depending on your console, the core you're using (bsnes can be notoriously punishing on a CPU), or the graphical filters you've enabled. There are a couple of nice touches—by default, your game will pause automatically if the focus switches to another window, and games you've closed will offer to resume from where you left off, much like a DVD or Blu-ray Disc you watched half of will offer to resume when you re-insert it. They're nice little common-sense touches that drive home OpenEmu's attention to detail.

At this point, OpenEmu's biggest weak point (aside from relatively limited out-of-the-box console support) is that it's actually not great at getting these games up where they belong—on your television. Its interface feels right at home in OS X, and it's much more consistent and attractive than any of the individual emulators that OpenEmu aggregates. But there's no equivalent to Steam's Big Picture mode here, no controller-driven, 10-foot interface (or even an OpenEmu-specific pause menu) that can be used without ready access to a keyboard and mouse. This is especially annoying if you want to play on your television but only have a laptop—if you'd like to change settings or switch games, you'll need to get up to poke at your computer. Broadcasting the image to your television via AirPlay and an AppleTV is theoretically possible, but input lag will probably be intolerable for most titles.

You can take a screenshot with command-T, but there aren't any other screen recording tools you can use to record and upload videos or to replay them in the emulator later. Speedrunners may also object to the lack of built-in input recording and rewinding options.

OpenEmu brings all (or, at least, many) of your homebrew and backup ROMs together under one roof and makes organizing them and paging through them better-looking and easier than any other console emulator. There's something about a nicely sorted game library, complete with box art, that feels better than a soulless list of files, at least for gamers who take their video game shelves seriously. There's some low-hanging fruit to harvest, but, especially if the developers can make the software more TV-friendly as they add support for additional consoles, this looks like an emulator with a bright future ahead.